When preparing for your cruise, properly tagging your luggage is one of the first things you should do. Most people think that it is not a big deal and that they would never lose their luggage; however, you would be shocked at how many bags have been left behind at our parking lot with no luggage tags.

There is nothing worse than getting on the cruise ship and realizing that your bags have been left behind with no luggage tags. Also, it is both painful and expensive to finally arrive at your home after being on a cruise only to realize that your bags have been left behind at the cruise terminal or at a parking lot with no luggage tags. We can at least “quickly” contact you if we find your bags with proper tags on them.

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Galveston Cruise Parking Luggage Tag

Normally, your bag-tags are e-mailed to you along with you along with your Cruise boarding passes. Please print this all out, follow directions, and tag your bags properly, as soon as possible.

On your luggage tag, you most-often be required to print your first and last name, Ship and Sail Date, along with your address, email address and your cell phone number. That way, if you do happen to leave your luggage at the parking lot we would be able to call you before the cruise leaves or you get too far away from Galveston on your drive home.

Each and every one of your bags should have a luggage tag on them and be tagged properly. This includes your checked bags, carry on bags, laptop bags, makeup bags, camera bags and even your garment bags etc. . .

It also helps you keep up with your luggage if you mark them with a unique ribbon, fluorescent tape etc. . . Anything that makes your bag stand out so nobody else will take your bag thinking that it is theirs.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is extremely important to properly pack valuables for your trip. This does not specifically include packing any breakables, or valuables in your “checked” luggage or any luggage that anyone other than you would ever handle. Please keep your breakables and valuables with you at all times throughout your trip. EZ Cruise Parking and their affiliates is/are not responsible for broken and/or damaged goods.


Please book back to back cruises separately.


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